Keeping Up

Monday, May 11, 2015
That's right!  I have a blog!  I didn't forget.  So, let's get up to speed.

1) Paige had a wonderful first saxophone solo performance!  I don't have any still photos of this, but we were very proud of her memorization of her piece and mistake-free performance.

2) We have enjoyed watching Will's Diamondback baseball team go 3-1 so far for the season, with Rich coaching.  Spring weather is tricky to keep that schedule on track, however.

3)  Had the boys' annual rain gutter regatta event for Scouts.  We also won the world's coolest cake (decorated like a cub scout shirt) in the silent auction.

4) Cashed in a Christmas present from my mom to many of us for a wine and paint event.  So fun!
Mine's the best.
5) I chaperoned the 4th grade field trip to the outdoor education center. It was a beautiful day for it and I learned a thing or how to kill a giant spider with a water bottle in the back of the bus with screaming kids.

6) Had a nice, relaxing mother's day with time spent with Rich's mom and a visit to my Grandmother.
Together, we are moms of 11 kids.

7) Tonight, Cole got to attend a Kane County Cougars game with his scout den.  They had a private deck and Rich went with him.  I guess it was pretty awesome and we "totally have to do that."
The "selthie" I requested.


8)  Lastly, this past week my cousin, Julie succumbed to cancer that she had been fighting hard for over 2 years.  She surpassed her prognosis more than once and I no doubt believe that her positive attitude and drive to live helped her do that and check many things off her list.  She was special in that she always kept communication going within the family.  She was great at scheduling visits and remembering occasions with cards and phone calls.  

In talking about her loss with Paige, she said that she didn't know her all too well (since she lived far away), but one memory she has of Julie is that "one time at Great Grandma's, all the adults were sitting on the couches and Julie was on the floor playing cars with Cole.  And I remember thinking, 'she's cool'."  

I have memories of sleepovers with her and her brother, her teaching us cheers, marveling at a home video of her Junior Miss pageant, and our priceless visit with her last March.  While I wish we would have captured a picture of my sisters, myself and her on that visit, I know I'd rather remember her like the picture below...bright face, beautiful smile.


Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss! Great pictures ..

Vietnam Adventure Tour said...

It's sad to hear such loss, I could relate to this though. It's hard to move on but the memories of being with them will keep on lingering in our minds.

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