Seven Years for Cole

Monday, April 20, 2015
For some reason, age 5 and 6 seem similar, but 7 just seems old-kid aged.  Cole had a great weekend of celebrating this fact with great weather and 2 parties!  Friday night was a typical summer grill meal with family, where he was showered with wonderful presents that he was super excited for!  This included a bean-bag chair, Aaron Rodgers jersey (yes, Green Bay), another energy necklace (to add to his crazy accessory collection), Nerf gun, games and more!  His dessert of choice was a cookie cake!
What happiness looks like

So many reasons to like this pic: his sweet smile in his new GB jersey,  his dad's traumatized photo bomb, and Olivia just walking through the yard in her flouncy skirt in the background.

Green grass and sun!

On Sunday, we planned an afternoon kid-party for Cole.  I was a cheerleader for heading somewhere to celebrate this year (laser tag? mini golf? anything?), but Cole LOVES to have his friends over to play.  We invited 5 of his besties and they all were able to make it to the sports-themed party!  Despite the pending rain, we got our sports-challenge scavenger hunt in just before raindrops started to fall.  They boys had a blast.  Here are some tips if planning a similar shindig:
  1. Six 1st graders is plenty.
  2. Chocolate cupcake can easily get ground into carpet.  Remove all carpet or make white cake.
  3. Don't use frosting.  They may use the frosting for face paint.  You know, to be funny.
  4. A pinata in the garage is great! But warning: candy falling to a cement surface may cause mini sugar explosions all over.  Put a blanket down or just randomly throw candy at them like wild animals.
  5. Have a basement.  Put them in it.
  6. Have a plan, but be ready to abandon it if they're having fun doing what 1st grade boys to best...wrestle and be loud.
I love the interest in the present-opening

The crew
So, Cole, happy birthday to you.  You are sweet, snuggly, and kind.  You are becoming stronger-willed, motivated and tough.  Whether it be a secret plan with Dad to get donuts in the morning, or those smiling cheeks I can see from a block away as you coming running off the bus, you truly light up our days.


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