And More of January Before It's Over

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Okay, so here's more of what the first month of 2015 has brought:

1) Paige got braces!  This was planned and is expected to last 2 years at the most (hopefully less if you ask her).  After a full week of getting used to the aches and pains, she is back to eating normally and smiling with much less hesitation!
Not thrilled.  But getting fro-yo to cushion the blow.

2) We are updating a bit in our basement!  Actually just looking for a new couch with a pull-out bed to host guests more comfortably. But, hopefully it will make the whole basement family room a little more cozy and movie-night-friendly for the fam.

3) We helped to finish painting a bathroom of Rich's mother's.  She had fallen and unfortunately broken her foot during the project, so we finished it up and now have her sweet lab, Maggie, while she recovers....
FINISHED!  But still lacking her decorative touches!

While we were painting, the kids played with the dogs and built this cutest snowman ever just waving 'hi' in the backyard!
We try so hard to get Maggie to feel comfortable here.  One day she'll come around.  (Pretty sure she thought I was gone when she was hanging out here, but really I was in the shower.  Crack. Me. Up.)

4) This weekend was the boys' Pinewood Derby for scouts.  Their cars were completely their own design and I was in love with both!  They ended up only fair in the speed department, but looked good doing it!
Cole's is the Bears car and Will's is the breast cancer awareness car.  These are keepers.

The Tigers!

The Webelos


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