This Is Halloween

Sunday, November 2, 2014
Halloween on a Friday!  Everyone was looking forward to it!  Except that we awoke to this:
Snow. On Halloween.  It wasn't a first, but we were enjoying 70 degrees less than a week prior!  Still, we all headed out for our day as planned.  I worked a little at the school, and then in Cole's classroom for the party.  Then it was time to head home, get bundled and head to the Eggers' neighborhood first.  In all of the worrying about proper layers for the weather and does everyone have everything, I completely forgot to take a picture of all 3 kids dressed up.  Halloween fail.  So here is what they were in 2014:
This is Cole as the Skylander Crusher.  He looked awesome!

Will went as the Grim Reaper.  This is him minus the sickle because they don't allow (fake) weapons in school.   Then minus it again at night because of it's potential to hinder him on his candy-collecting mission.  We are not buying hand-held props for costumes again.

Paige went as this.  We called it a renaissance girl.  It was super cute on her.
So, they scavenged through the Eggers' neighborhood and then through ours.  Rich's mom was visiting and was with them whole high winds and low temperatures.  We only lost 2 different costume parts!  One was recovered, one is gone forever.  The kids would say I got the picture that matters most:  the loot.


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