Extended Weekend!

Sunday, November 9, 2014
Whoever invented three-day weekends was brilliant!  We like to use those random days off (that not the rest of the world has off) to do attractions, such that crowds are less than normal.  Therefore, Rich took the day off and we headed to the Museum of Science and Industry.  (Only the Field Museum left on our list because we've done planetarium and aquarium recently...and the art museum isn't really on the list).

Thinking I would find things familiar when we arrived, I was looking forward to school field trip flashbacks.  But there were none.  I had never been to this museum!!  We were there almost the entire operating hours of the museum and still didn't see everything!  But, we did get to tour the U505 submarine and go down on a mock coal mine.  We all loved the huge model train set, and I always love to see mock streets from over 100 years ago (Walgreens, dentist's office, etc.).
Part of the model train set.  I think we could have left Will here all day and he wouldn't have even noticed.

In the car and boat area.

Paige - fixing meals on board a submarine

Geeking out on model trains!

Sunday marked the Park District's Gobbler Hobbler 10K/1 mile run.  The kids and Rich ran the mile and did awesome! I did the 10K and I'm pretty sure had my best time (and so you can tell how serious I am about it - but the challenge is fun!).  As I type this, we're planning an afternoon matinee to see Big Hero 6.  Sitting for close to 2 hours sounds perfect right about now!
Braved cold temps and crossed the finish line! (Kellys, Eggers and friend Noah)
And now a quote from Will:
"I remember weird details of things, like the Cheetos I ate at Cole's birth."


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