Weekend Moments

Monday, October 27, 2014
I am so thankful for this weekend.  There were some social plans of my kids, an overnight conference for Rich, a Cub Scout event for Cole, pumpkin carving - yet it was also a breath of fresh, beautiful air that felt so great leading into cooler fall temperatures and holiday-related to-do's.  I'll let the pictures share the moments...
Last-minutes trail hike at a preserve we hadn't been to!

Loved this view

Cole was on walking-stick mission.  Everyone had one customized.  His had a special hook for Milo's water.

This view = my heaven

Our pumpkins!

Cole's (a guy with plastic fangs and twig sticking out of his mouth), Paige's (Tinkerbelle which she did entirely alone), and Will's (a scary guy eating a smaller pumpkin)

1st Grade boys touring a radio station.  It was...an experience!  But really, how cute are they!?

Liv catching a ride on LEAF DAY!

Hard workers (a.k.a. co-conspirators)

First time on the mini bike.  Um, to say he loved it is a gross understatement.  Now, if only we can stress the importance of looking forward, instead of at his audience!

Go-cart leaf run!!!!!! (Oh yeah...it's in there)

The damage

Love it!


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