I believe this will only be my second blog post in the month of November. I'd like to think it's because we're too busy living to stop to record the details of it. (Kind of like people will say to get out from behind your camera and actually
experience your vacation). But I get that conundrum. Sometimes our minds aren't the best recorders and having some other forms of memories are important. With that logic in mind, some posts have to better than none.
This is my thanksgiving post. Not just about the day itself, but about what I'm thankful for in general:
- Happy kids that are doing well in school, yet love the breaks from the grind.
- Pets. I love them. Our dog (sitting next to me right now) knows when the holidays hit. I'm convinced.
- My husband and his dedication to his job and the family / work balance.
- Days that are above freezing degrees.
- My whole family and how the loss of some only magnifies the importance of others.
- Our pending kitchen upgrades!
- My friends and the fun we can have just sitting around talking.
- The ability to take care of ourselves and help others.
- Cozy movie nights. Or days. Or mornings.
- Health - of all types.
Me and Grandma |
Gary Cumpata and Jack Cumpata |
These three. I took three pictures. This was the best, so... |
Eggers and Reisses (in the infamous garage cafe) |
Fox and Garbaciak clans |
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