
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Happy Valentine's Day!  While some will criticize this day for being a "Hallmark holiday," I love the added specialness in mid-tundra weather and don't think any bad has come from expressing more love to one another.

Love in a 5-year old child's eyes is especially worth celebrating.  Today, while at Walgreens, Cole spotted a watermelon-scented egg-shaped chapstick.  He immediately thought of Will, as watermelon is his favorite and he is currently fighting chapped lips.  He asked if we could get it for him to give to Will for Valentine's Day. I could not resist.  Then, he came home from school with a Happy Valentine's day card for Will that had a wonderfully detailed picture of Will's iPod and a picture of the current game they love on it.  Even more lovely was Will's ultra enthusiastic response to this and immediate knowledge of what the picture was.

When we returned home from Walgreens, Cole quickly realized he didn't have anything for Paige.  So, he searched his room for a couple cool hot wheels cars (of course she'll love) in lime green - because that's her favorite color.  When we had our valentine dinner tonight* he could hardly contain his excitement to share his gifts.  That is love.

*We have a special "dining room dinner" for Valentine's Day every year as a family.  This year's was bumped up a couple days because we will all be in different directions Thursday night and Friday night Rich and I are...wait for it...going out to dinner!  Just the two of us.  We both are counting down.


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