The Little Things

Monday, July 8, 2013
Since my blog posts have become quite sparse in frequency, they tend to highlight the big events and not the small, daily things that are so fun to look back on and remember.

I have to admit, I'm kind of freaky nervous of becoming so super-scheduled that we lose time for the sponaneity, imaginative fun.  Today started a more back-to-the-grind schedule with t-ball games, cheer skills camp, swimming, piano, etc.  I was feeling like I was glad we got some fun in over the 4th, because now we'd be running around like crazy.

But, thankfully, I found that fun can come in many different ways.  First, we had a rain-out for Cole's t-ball game.  Again.  So we had time to do our morning chores slowly.  A quick errand to Target after dropping Paige off at cheer turned into a physical challenge.  (Picture 2 boys with shopping baskets trying to catch items I'm rapid-fire tossing at them.  The one with the most in his basket wins.  In retrospect, we probably made a scene). The boys thoroughly enjoyed some "just-them" time and before we knew it, Paige was back with us.  We also found time for:

Paige and Cole to make mini indoor terrariums
Continued work on our quest to save the baby bunnies in our backyard from death
Some crazy imaginitive play the 3 kids had going on which gave me time to...
Detail our grill
Sit down with Will and plan his 8th (Mario) birthday party
Make a mini-batch of Puppy Chow with Cole (Quote form Cole tonight:  I'm just gonna grab 3 bites or less of Puppy Chow.  Or 4...or 5)
Family swim night in our mini-pool


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