Our Maiden Voyage

Sunday, March 28, 2010
I feel our recent trip to St. Petersburg, FL is worthy of at least a handful of posts. Instead, I'm going to summarize and then maybe revisit certain aspects of the trip in the future.

It felt to Rich and I like a rite of passage. We had planned and packed and planned some more and were finally traveling with all 3 kids...on a plane...to a beach destination - two firsts (except for Paige who has no recollection of her visits to Myrtle Beach and Hilton Head at 6 and 18 months). Our travel there went relatively smoothly minus a delay at our car rental lot. The kids LOVED the plane and were able to stay quite busy with the supplies we brought which ranged from portable DVD players and iPhones to stickers and snacks. But note to self: don't compare take-off to a roller coaster or the children might think it is appropriate to scream as if on a roller coaster.

Our resort was a perfect fit for us with several pools, the beach a few steps away and a kid room with bunk beds. Note to self: check safety of bunk beds before allowing Will to climb up and down the ladder and slip resulting in appendectomy-looking injury.

The beach experience was simply wonderful for the kids. I could have sat there all day watching them dig, discover, and run from waves. And they could have done it for days on end. Note to self: turn backyard into one big sand box - complete with hidden shells.

Being just over an hour from Rich's grandmother and aunt allowed us to visit them as well. Rich's grandmother introduced the kids to Steak 'N Shake (they had never been). It's pretty much the coolest in their book as the giveaway was a cardboard classic car with stickers to decorate and "chef" hats. They literally played with these things the whole vacation! Score!

While our travels back left something to be desired - delays in the airport, delays on the tarmac, the kids still did wonderfully and we were left with very fond memories of our travels. But now we're back home - doing the ritualistic post-hotel sock burning and post-vacation french fry cleanse.  No matter how fun the destination is, home always feels good!


suzanne said...

fun! well, except for the injury. you have no idea what i wouldn't give to be on a beach right now. w/ a drink in hand, of course.

Bethie said...

I could not WAIT for you guys to get home to hear about your vacation! I wasn't disappointed!! It looks like you all had a great time and the weather looks beautiful too!! I am sad about Will though. That is one nasty looking injury! Welcome home Kelly's!!

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