Drama Day

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
So, today started pretty good, then it had kind of an up & down trend. Here goes:

1) Take kids and dogs on walk/bike ride at 8 a.m. to try to get Bailey (beloved 8-year old yellow lab) to "eliminate" so we could re-take an xray and actually see what may be causing some recent issues

2) Accidently dole out the wrong plates to the boys for lunch and Cole has a few bites of cheese in a wrap. Maybe it won't have an effect.

3) Cole is in full-on reaction. Combat with Benadryl, steroid, and neb treatment.

4) Still able to take Bailey to vet (despite #3 thanks to my mom) and find that there doesn't appear to be any kind of growth (cancerous or otherwise) on vital organs. Great news!

5) While cooking dinner, realize that our microwave may definitely be on the fritz.

6) Paige and Will are ecstatic about "catching" 4 frogs from our window wells to have as pets for a couple days. Yay.

7) See Cole outside happily pushing his cozy coupe around the patio and my heart swells with relief that he recovered so quickly from this one.

8) To assure we don't feel too relieved, Bailey has a bout of her seizure-like behavior again this evening. Drat.

So, I'm wiped. One more load of laundry and to sleep I go for (hopefully) a very uneventful day.


Anonymous said...

Can I say that you still at least had the energy to make this a fun read, especially that whole-hearted "yay" about the frogs? :)

Thumbs up to Will recovering quickly and Bailey's health news (minus the seizure stuff tonight). Thumbs down to non-functioning microwaves.

Love you!

Jamie said...

All that happened? When I talked to you last night - I never would have known! Thumbs up to your apparent "quick recovery" as well then!

Laurie said...

Sorry about the cheese! Also wondering if the vet has put Bailey on any meds for the seizures. My sister's husky used to have really bad seizures and they put her on phenobarbitol (very hard on the liver) and then switched to potassium bromide, which helped considerably. They don't usually do that until the seizures become somewhat unmanageable, which is unfortunate. Sounds like you need a "me" day. :) Love you.

Bethie said...

So sorry about Cole! Glad he recovered quickly. Do you remember Casey? He had seizures and he was also put on phenobarbitol and switched to potassium bromide. It does help alot but I will say it is an expensive venture. Give the kids and Bailey a hug from me!!
Love you guys!

kcjayhawk said...

that's good that bailey's tests came back as normal. are they going to do other tests or has he been given a clean bill of health (minus the seizures)?

Renay said...

wow honey - sounds like quite a day. I hope you get some much-deserved rest tonight!

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