Yes Schmess

Monday, August 10, 2009
Recently, my friend Nicole had a post on her blog about being a "yes mom." Meaning, saying 'yes' to your kids to more things instead of saying 'no' for selfish reasons. I read this nodding my head and agreed 100%. However, there is a fine line between this and being a servant.

She was referring to doing things that might make a mess, might take a long time to set-up, etc. I'm referring to all the other little tasks/favors of the day that TODAY were many. I was having a hard time deciding how to describe this today, but it went something like: Can I have a drink of your pop? Can quiet time be over now? Can I sleep in my sleeping bag? Can I be done now? Can we watch something? Can I have a candy? Can I have a drink? Can you help me get this cap off? Can you wipe my face? Can we watch this show instead? Can we go inside now? Can we play together at quiet time? Can I have a snack? Can I have a different snack? Can I sit here instead? Can you help me clean up? Can you play this with me? But I wanted you to play this with me! Can you make Cole not mess this up? Can we go to McD's for lunch? Can I skip a bath? I think you're starting to get the idea.

While kids are inherently needy, I felt today was over the top. I started saying 'no'...lots. Of course, I didn't just fume away, I tried to explain to them that they need to give me a minute to finish x.y, or z before I can get to their request, then I would be happy to. Often, I was beckoned again before getting back to them. Tonight they were told they were simply being too much for us and went to bed with no book - hopefully to get a full night sleep that leads to them being less needy tomorrow.

So, I'll admit it. Today I was a "no mom."


Anonymous said...

for the record: this day happens about once a week in our house.

Renay said...

you just described my's only 9 and I'm exhausted....just said yes to more lego batman so I could eat my own breakfast! ;)

Laurie said...

There is nothing wrong with saying "no". I know plenty of parents who don't say it nearly enough. As my dad used to tell us "it builds character". I don't think I need to tell you that we steadfastly disagreed! Then, anyway.

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