School's In Session!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015
It has been a great start back to school!  Kids are happy with teachers.  Homework hasn't become too cumbersome and there's still time to play outside in the evenings!  Life is good.  We did, however, have our first absent (1/2) day today.  It seems about 2 weeks is the perfect amount of time for germs to spread and flourish.  Will has a cold with a sore throat and headache, while Cole just has the sniffles...not enough to keep him home yet. 

First, we finished off flag football for Cole (narrowly escaping a treacherous storm one night).  He thoroughly enjoyed playing his first season!
As center.  Or snapper.  Yeah, I didn't play.  He's the guy holding the ball.

And the day before school began, we had Farm Day, where the kids worked like always and Olivia got to attend for the first time!
Will and Grandpa.  This is just a joy ride.

Then it was Cole and Renee's turn.

Workin' the Country Kitchen

And here they were - raring to go the next morning...
7th grade!

2nd and 5th

And just this past weekend, we traveled up to Grand Rapids for Sarah (Kutsche) and David Mohr's wedding!  Wedding's are long.  Long to be in dress clothes.  But the kids toughed it out for the sake of tearing it up on the dance floor until midnight!  It was a great time!
Dressed our best

Things look calm now.  It was the beginning of the night.  After the shirts and ties came off and they were more uninhibited, things got crazy.

Same picture 5 years apart.  So cool!

"Dancing award winners" - awarded the following morning at brunch!

So, now we need to get rid of this first dose of sickies to enjoy our first 3-day weekend!  We're ready!


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