A Day That Wasn't, But Then It Actually Was

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
My Plan for Today:
After taking Cole to school, head home - which I never do because I'm either volunteering or running errands - and do some organizing / cleaning with a little Today Show blaring.  It was going to be heaven.

Will has had a cough and Paige came home from school yesterday complaining of being very tired, then woke up complaining of a stomachache and dizziness.  Both stay home.  I take Cole to school and an hour later get a call that he is complaining of being tired and just plain not himself.  Go pick him up.

In case you had already guessed this, Cole's illness was more like a case of sister-and-brother-are-home-and-dad-is-working-from-home-and-I-want-to-be-there-too...-itis.  Heard of it?  It's new to me too.  But, I found symptoms disappear upon entering the home. 

So, after I took a moment to wrap my head around my day taking a complete turn, I decided to get done what I could still get done.  The big kids' symptoms seem manageable all day, and do you know what this is?

It's called har-mo-ni-ous play, I hear.  I highly recommend it.  Since I greatly limited TV and video game time today, they did this...well.  And then Rich had late meetings so the kids and I had breakfast for dinner (I might have well told them they were going to Disney world they were so excited) and we watched TV during dinner.  An extreme rarity.  They were giddy excited.  And so, really, this day ended up being a little bit of heaven too!

And now, some funnies:Paige was re-telling a story her teacher had told them and she continues, "...and the guy passed out!  He was totally self conscious!"

Cole caught a glimpse of a Middle Eastern man on TV wearing a turban and said, "Ha!  Did you see that guy with all the toilet paper on his head?"


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