My favorite quotes of the day...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011
They're more on the sweet than funny side, which I needed as today wasn't my favorite. 

Paige:  We were cooking dinner together as the boys were out baseball glove shopping.  She was trying a new way to wrap a burrito (chicken and black beans stuffed burritos - YUM!) and I hear her mutter, "Wow, this is a lot easier on Cooking Mama."

Will: Wanders into Cole's room as I'm reading to him before bed and asks, "Um, when you're done reading to Cole, can you come back in my room and snuggle me some more?"

Paige: "Do you think tonight instead of going to bed I could pretend to be you for a littler bit?  Because, I just think you're cool and a really good role model."

Yes.  I know that last one is just a ploy to stay up later, but it was still good to hear!  The answer was 'no.'


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