Cute Moments

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Sharing some cute moments...

This is a new desk for antique refurbished by my replace a very small school desk that was in her room.  She can now be found sitting at her desk writing notes, doing homework or listening to music while doodling and it is such a sign of "older kid-hood" and so nostalgic to think this will be the desk she likely sits at all throughout her school days.

Will is starting to make his bed more regularly.  It's not a chore I demand of him yet (since the necessary things like brushing teeth and dressing take enough time as it is), but as you can see, he is particular about how it goes.  This is NOT how I make the bed, but he thinks it looks perfect.  (Notice silky sleeping blanket and dog nestled on top)

In other news, Cole has started an excavating business - if you're in the market for digging holes.  You can reach him at
1-800 KID DIGS


Anonymous said...

Awesome- I love all the kids' phases!! The desk looks great, I'm not shocked at Will's work and cole's trailer could not be cuter!!

Martha said...

Hope Paige enjoys the desk for many years! I think Will did a perfect job on his cute that he folded his silky blanket so perfectly, and we may be in need of Cole's services....we'll call him!

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