
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Will's out of school and I'm in a bring-on-summer sort of mood.  Proof being that I forgot to give Paige her allergy medicine and snack one day last week...because I'm just kinda done with THAT routine! :)

This weekend brought summer-like weather, a big annual "Onion Fest" party, and a first-timer on skates.  It was a blast. 

Things I learned:
  • Add a jump house to any party and you have instant fun for kids (okay and maybe some adults) and a default answer to "where are the kids?". 
  • Getting to bed late does not mean sleeping in for my kids.  Still.
  • Though Paige is not a risk-taker, a little healthy pressure from peers will motivate her to try harder.
  • They still play "Hokey Pokey" at roller skating rinks!
  • I CAN'T beat 7 year old boys around the rink in a race.  Ever.
  • Don't count on a well-rounded meal at Onion Fest, or as Will would call it - pickle fest?  er...tomato?  I can never remember what fest it is.
Onion Fest Definition:  Celebration of a local Vidalia Onion crop that are fried alongside a personally-caught fish collection from family friends.  With a whole lot of other food. Mmmmmm.


suzanne said...

i'm impressed that you were on roller skates. i haven't done it in so long that i would probably spend most of the time on the ground.

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