Movie Night

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tonight we weren't planning on going to the elementary school's movie night because Paige had gymnastics.  But after some begging strong lobbying by both kids, we decided to make it work and Paige and I met the boys there for Despicable Me.  The movie is shown on a large inflatable screen in the gym.  Popcorn is served and there are chairs for parents and kids are encouraged to bring sleeping bags and wear pajamas.  It's really an excuse to hang out with friends outside of normal school.  The kids had a blast.  Now I'm in full operation sleeping bag wash.  Ewww. 

In other news, today I had all of the rugs off the floor to wash it.  Cole went over to the family room carpet and pulled on and said I couldn't pick that one up because it's stuck on the floor...with silly putty.  What carpet company did we use again???


Jen Staffeldt Smith said...

how fun! I hope our schools out here in the west coast do this too when Owen is big enough. I love how they are building a sense of community. Good stuff!

Jen Staffeldt Smith said...

how fun! I hope our schools out here in the west coast do this too when Owen is big enough. I love how they are building a sense of community. Good stuff!

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