Back to My Job...and Why I'm Thankful

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
After my la-la-land weekend where I was my one responsibility, I have to say I had two days of "back to real life" boot camp.  These two days were shortened school days, which means that 1/2 day Kindergarten starts early and then ends early.  It's awkward. 

Of course, the other mishaps that sandwiched their way in there wrapped it all up in a blanket of "you are a mom and there's nothing glam about it."  These included the use of many years old fabric softener by my husband while I was gone in our front-load washer that resulted in a blue vaseline-like residue all. over. the. washer.  (I never use fabric softener anymore.  You're right - I should  have just discarded it lest it lead to confusion.)  Then, a #2 accident at a shoe store for Cole (did I mention I was being brave and took him out in his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse underwear?)  And then this morning, when I was out at the bus stop with Paige, and Will poked his head out to inform me Cole had to go potty.  I told him to get him started (somewhat in jest, but wanted to see where this took us).  When I entered the house I hollered how was it going.  Will's answer, "Not good" was pretty accurate.  He was going while standing, which puts him a little below target level, so he compensated by pointing upward and...well, I don't need to finish.

Truthfully, I know all of this is laughable and can honestly say I did.  I know that all of these less-than-ideal situations are immediately trumped by so many amazing things I get to experience with my kids.  Amazing thing #873:  Finding this essay in Paige's backpack today.


suzanne said...

awww...that essay is perfect.

Anonymous said...

what a sweet essay!!

maybe cole needs a tiny little stepstool for christmas to help with the aim? :)

Jamie said...

Great stories! Read your washer's manual - it tells you how to clean this i think. Cole's potty story cracked me up - it seems simple enough to just aim up if you're too short. And Paige's essay is more organized and sequential than some 5th graders I see! Great work and very sweet. I love the "all in all" :)

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